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Apple resolves the problem that leads to iPhone alarm failure at last.

At last, Apple received a wake-up call.

Users of iPhones have been complained about a bug that prevented set alarms from going off for several months.

Reid Manning, a TikToker, recently complained, saying, "This has probably been the third or fourth day in a row my alarm clock has not gone off."

Another user on TikTok claimed to have tried to investigate the Alarmgate for half a year.


Apple at last acknowledged to Today this week that a persistent problem is causing alarms to silently malfunction.

The subtle option known as "Attention Aware" is the source of the most prevalent manifestation of the problem.

Apple stated in a January article that an iPhone with Attention Aware can "determine whether you're paying attention to your device and automatically take action." Whether FaceID is enabled or not, a phone's camera is "intelligently activated."

Some Reddit users have discovered Attention Aware's fatal weakness while assisting a parent who was consistently late for his child's school pickup line.

Many have reported that it may mistakenly believe that a person is looking at their phone and turn off their crucial wake-up jingle automatically.


According to Apple, to turn off the feature, go to settings, select "Face ID & Passcode," then turn off the "Attention Aware Features" slider.

In a March alarm-setting guide, Apple also suggests that you adjust the ringtone volume under "sound & haptics."

